Feb 15, 1943 WT p 60
was a new boy
JoinedPosts by was a new boy
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy indid too many jehovah's witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?.
they really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, and .
in the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.. .
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy indid too many jehovah's witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?.
they really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, and .
in the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.. .
was a new boy
1944 YB
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy indid too many jehovah's witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?.
they really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, and .
in the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.. .
was a new boy
1946 YB
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy indid too many jehovah's witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?.
they really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, and .
in the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.. .
was a new boy
Did too many Jehovah's Witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?They really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, andin the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.Knorr started it up in 1943, and after 1946 one never read about it as a 'College' again.Was the 'College' name a scandal?Perhaps Knorr thought that Jesus picking them in 1918 was the best “Accreditation” one needed?WT 2/15/43 p 61'This college is a gracious provision of Jehovah to that end,...The word “ college” appears in the Bible record, at 2 Kings 2 2 .1 4 and 2 Chronicles 3 4 :2 2 ,in connection with the typical Theocracy over the Israelites.It was at the capital city, Jerusalem. The word “ college” is here translated from the Hebrew word“ mishneh” , which means literally “ doubling or repeating”.
If the word here means an institution of learning, where the prophetess Huldah dwelt, then it marksa “ college” as a place where instruction on special subjects is repeated but in an advanced and moreintensified m y so as to increase one’s familiarity, capacity and efficiency therein, and thusdoubling one’s ability.It is a secondary institution, and hence farther advanced than a primary one.Such, indeed, is the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead. It is so called because it is operated andmaintained by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., of New York, and the college facultyof instructors are ordained ministers who are representatives of the Society.Though listed according to the law of the land as a “ religious institution”, it is in fact a Christiancollege for Bible training.' -
Does Gilead have any accreditation?
by journey-on inwhen a witness talks about someone who has "graduated" from gilead, they always make it sound like such an accomplishment as if they graduated from harvard or somethin...lol.
i know it's called the watchtower bible school of gilead and is located at the watchtower educational center in patterson, ny (sounds impressive, uh?)..
it used to be known as the watchtower bible college of gilead in south lansing, ny.. does this school have any accreditation that you know of or is it just glorified classroom training for jw "missionaries"?
was a new boy
Tests are graded. Can someone flunk out? I am sure if they did a really poor job they could. Those tests are designed to be passed, but not without proper study.
Reading the Watchtower and Awake! is like getting a college education!
by kairos inanybody remember hearing this?.
is that comment in print anywhere?.
was a new boy
We all heard it back in the day. Perhaps the quote is from a Circuit Overseer's letter; unable to find it in print anywhere.
'The school’s curriculum of studies is a full program offering 26 weeks of higher, college-level training equivalent to one year in secular colleges or universities. After ten years, in January, 1953, the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead was finally officially recognized by the United States Office of Education in Washington, D.C., as offering higher education comparable to professional colleges and educational institutions.'
CSA Victom Speaks Out
by LostintheFog1999 ini happened to come across this video at the beginning of the week.
you feel so sorry for this poor woman who experienced csa and then the hardheartedness of the elders (what's new there) when she needed genuine love and help.. https://fb.watch/j1qacgxphi/.
was a new boy
3 EX JW Heroes shared testimony about the jehovah’s witnesses cult’s horrendous child sexual abuse.
exJW testimony at:
What is your favorite EX- JW You Tube site and why???
by Balaamsass2 inthe mrs (third gen) and i have been on this site for a number of years now.
we appreciate simon's efforts to keep this site active and available.
i find a number of pimo jw friends enjoy youtube for some reason.
was a new boy
You know the religious party is over when members of the 'fifth generation' are making videos.
'Rose here welcome to my channel “I didn’t know because I didn’t realize I needed to know” I am a born in elders daughter, fifth generation.'
Jehovah's Witnesses get honorable mention today by PA. Rep. Mark Rozzi 😉
by was a new boy inwhich politician will offer a jehovah's witness shredding event?
jehovah's witnesses get honorable mention today by pa. rep. mark rozzi @ 1:12:34 .
pa. special house session -- february 24, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc6btqtw4hk.
was a new boy
Cool sign references PA politics... In 2017 The Church, Insurance Cos. and dogs won.
Here’s how to end the stalemate over the civil justice window for abuse survivors | Opinion
Lawmakers are still fighting needlessly. Gov. Josh Shapiro can — and should — put it on the November ballot
MARCH 17, 2023 6:30 AM
By Patrick Beaty
Last month, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a proposed constitutional amendment to allow adult survivors of child sexual abuse a two-year window in which to sue their abusers regardless of any statute of limitations.
The state Senate had already passed the constitutional change in January. Both chambers of the General Assembly are considering the amendment for the second time in consecutive sessions, having passed it previously in the 2021-22 session.
But this time, even though they both passed the same proposed amendment, they did not pass the same bill containing that amendment which is a requirement before a bill can become law in Pennsylvania.
The Senate and House appear to be at an impasse, with Republicans who control the Senate insisting on their version which also includes two other constitutional changes opposed by most Democrats. One measure would require voters to prove their identity every time they vote and the other would give lawmakers veto power over executive agency regulations.
Both chambers have now adjourned for six weeks of hearings on Gov. Josh Shapiro’s first budget proposal. Meanwhile, abuse survivors are left once again waiting and wondering if they will ever get their fair chance at justice.
It shouldn’t have to be this hard when polls show the issue has strong public support and lawmakers in both parties keep voting for it by large margins.
But what if it really isn’t as complicated as it appears?
Maybe we’re just looking at it the wrong way and misreading what our state Constitution requires in order to amend that document. And what it does not require.
Article XI contains all the rules, and there are not many when it comes to the role of the General Assembly. Amendments may be proposed in the Senate or House and if a proposed amendment is agreed to by a majority in each chamber in two consecutive sessions, the amendment goes on the ballot for voter approval. That’s about it.
The Constitution does not require the Senate and House to pass an identical bill as they do when enacting laws. In fact, the Constitution does not even require that they pass the amendment in the form of a bill.
As far back as 1900, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court stated that while the Legislature has a required role in the amendment process, a constitutional amendment is “not a law, an order, a bill or a resolution.”
Because it is not a law, it does not have to be signed by the governor. The General Assembly uses the term “joint resolution” and they give every joint resolution a bill number. But those labels do not change the fact that a constitutional amendment is neither of those.
As one court has said, “it is not a legislative act at all, but a separate and specific power granted to the General Assembly.” The Legislature can call it whatever they like – even “a mystery wrapped in an enigma,’ a title which the court thought “might be more forthright in many instances.”
All that matters is that a majority of the members elected in both chambers agree to the same amendment twice in consecutive sessions. Those requirements have now been met for the civil justice window.
And because a constitutional amendment is not a law or even a bill, the fact that the Senate Republican majority also wanted to make other changes at the same time does not negate their approval of the civil justice amendment. A majority of the House has not agreed to those other changes, so they cannot be submitted to the voters.
The amendment that both chambers did agree to is what counts.
Democrats do not have to sacrifice their own core beliefs in order to achieve justice for survivors of abuse. Nor do they need to wait and hope that Republican senators will cave under relentless pressure from victim advocates.
There is another way out of this morass. And again, Article XI points the way forward. When a majority in both chambers has passed the same amendment in consecutive sessions, the proposed amendment “shall be submitted” to the voters.
Shapiro should tell his Secretary of the Commonwealth to put the civil justice window on the ballot this November.
Patrick Beaty served more than 20 years in Pennsylvania state government in both the legislative and executive branches, including as legislative counsel to Gov. Robert Casey. His work appears frequently on the Capital-Star’s Commentary Page.
What novels would you recommend?
by LoveUniHateExams ini used to have a large-ish novel collection but my current collection is scaled-down because i was forced to move back to bolton 4 years ago and didn't have enough room for them all in my suitcases.. i currently own just 9 novels.. salem's lot (stephen king).
three by john ajvide lindqvist:.
let the old dreams die.
was a new boy
"Armageddon's Disciples"
I respect
even if it's only one review.
It's the next book I'll buy.
Three years after Armageddon was due, the word was written a total of one time, in Watchtower material, 1978. The peak use was in 1942 at 369 times.